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2018 Events

WESTCAS Fall Conference - October 22-24 - Phoenix, AZ

Conference Program (pdf-164.11kb)

State Reports (pdf-96.88kb)

WESTCAS 26th Annual Conference - June 20-22 - San Diego, CA

Conference Program (pdf-148.63kb)

State Reports (pdf-211.67kb)


Congressman Calvert graciously accepted the WESTCAS President’s Award from California Director Jolene Walsh for his dedication to advancing the water priorities of the Arid West.

Federal Issues Workshop - February 22 - Phoenix, AZ

Each year WESTCAS conducts a one-day Workshop for the purpose of reviewing selected Federal regulatory and legislative issues and identifying and developing an appropriate response. The Workshops are held each February near the beginning of the annual Congressional session and after the Administration’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year has been delivered to the Congress.

Attendees discuss a wide range of both legislative and regulatory issues, participate in interactive polling, and respond to issue papers that have been prepared on selected topics. The WESTCAS Board then establishes a priority for each topic along with an appropriate response. This direction is key to setting the agenda and the schedule for WESTCAS federal outreach.

At each subsequent WESTCAS conference current federal issues are updated and new or emerging issues discussed and prioritized.

A Report on the February 2018 Workshop is attached below. It provides a summary of the agenda, the various federal regulatory and legislative issues discussed, and a record of the responses of the participants. This year’s Workshop featured interactive presentation software that was used to engage participants and provide visual feedback from participants for each issue.

Further updates on the issues and priorities identified by the Workshop will be provided during the WESTCAS Annual Conference in June in San Diego.


NPDES Permits for Discharges to Groundwater (vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.pres-2256.42kb)